Printing a LegiDoc draft is a locked function. The web browser won't allow you to print a draft. However, you can print a published LegiDoc plan. Be aware that once you publish your plan, you can edit all of your data except for the facility name. Follow these steps to print a published LegiDoc plan:

At the end of your plan in Step 4 Build, on the screen titled "Now Let’s Get Ready to Build Your Plan!" click the Continue button.

Then on the screen "First Verify Your Data" make sure to verify any missing data. Then click Next button.

A pop-up window will display your table of contents. On this pop-up screen click the Continue button.

From here you can click either Publish PDF or Publish PDF with custom logo button.

The pdf will download to your computer. Click on the PDF to open it. 

If the PDF opens in your web browser, you can click the printer icon in the upper-right hand corner of the browser screen.

If the PDF opens in Adobe Acrobat, just click File then click Print in the top toolbar of Acrobat.